Postgrade Studies

I think that to become a better professional, one should never stop studying, or at least, never stop learning. Reading books, writing articles, exploring new discoveries are essential to become a better professional, and I aspire to become, at least a good professional.

Since I started studying geography it has become more and more apparent that there is a systematic issue regarding preservation of wild species in this country, wild species of animals are not protected properly by the government and more and more terrain of native plants and trees are destroyed to build. 

If I were to take a post grade course, I would like to specialize, either on wild life preservation or environmental management.

If I studied wild life preservation I would like to take courses on animal behavior, to learn how to preserve a better, more natural environment for them. I would also like to know more about native species, and how to protect them so I could be of help on governmental projects that aim to protect native species.

On the other hand, if I took a course on environmental management, I would like to know about managing territories, mostly to study how to correctly allocate people, and how to take action preventing the destruction of native land. I would also like to know more about plants and trees, because I think deforestation is a big problem, not just in this country, but worldwide.

I would like to study abroad, in Spain, and then come back to Chile with the knowledge I learned, so I could be of help here.

I would prefer to study on a blended system, learning the theory asynchronously, but learning the practical parts on terrain.

As I said, I think learning is something you never stop doing, and I would like to keep learning more how to protect and preserve the endogenous species of Chile.


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