Wild Animals and Pets

I consider myself a huge animal lover. I love learning about animals, watching and sharing pictures of them, and everything in general about animals. Sadly I’m not a vegan, but I try to eat the less animal products as possible and only use cruelty free products.

I had many pets since I was a kid, mostly cats and a dog. Currently I take care of many pets, two cats, one dog, one turtle, two guinea pigs and a hedgehog. I think hedgehogs make the best pets, but are not for everyone. My boyfriend and I have taken care of six hedgehogs in total. Hedgehogs look menacing from the outside, with their spikes and bad attitude, but they are really cute and lovely, I love them.

As I said before I only use cruelty free products so I’m completely against the use of animals for any type of research. The same goes for the use of fur, which is completely unnecessary. The zoos as centers of preservation of wildlife can be justified, as long as they have the proper management, but shouldn’t be allowed the operate under any other circumstance.

Animals are really beautiful and bring joy to the world. My pets saved my life so i'm forever grateful for them.

My guinea pigs Cuchufli and Repollo
My guinea pigs Cuchufli and Repollo


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