A country I would like to know

A place I always wanted to visit is the Czech Republic. It’s been a dream for me to visit Europe since I was young, and I always wanted to visit the city of Prague in particular because of many things. First of all, it’s a place that’s really rich in culture, from museums, theatres and galleries; Second of all you can see many buildings styles from different times in history all around the city, from Romanesque, to Baroque and my favorite of all time, Gothic. And last, but not least, it’s a city filled with history, you can see and feel the history of the modern civilization that dates centuries back, all around the city. 

If I went there I would mostly walk around and take lots of pictures, I would like to go with my boyfriend, so we could go around the city, talk about what we see, go to some gothic cathedrals, which are my favorite, and stop by to eat some pastries or visit as store, but mostly walk around. 

All though, I wouldn’t like to live or study in a city like this, for me the wonder of this city it’s the mystery, and living there would ruin it’s mystery for me, because after a while, I would have visited all the places I found interesting.


  1. Thanks for this post! I haven't seen a post dedicated to the Czech Republic in a while, I watched some Czech movies in the past and I love them. Also...OMG! I agree with your last statement, living in a country so majestic ruins the magic that surrounds every corner of it, everytime you visit it you surely will discover new things that will enhance your experience there.

  2. What a gorgeous place, with an amazing architecture. The pictures sure gives an invitation to go in and I would love to have a walk by those streets.


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