My Childhood Days

For me a smell that bring backs memories is the smell of olives. I remember going to the market with my family on Iquique, and buying many types of olives. There were some that had a purple like glow which were my favorite.

My earliest child memory was when I was around four years old. I was at my brother’s birthday party and I remember a girl fell down some stairs and I think she broke a tooth. My favorite childhood memory was when we got my dog Dante. I remember he was like a little black fur-ball and he was really cute.

learnt to ride a bicycle when I was around seven years old. I remember falling on a rose bush while trying to learn how to ride. When I was younger I use to watch a lot of anime, sailor moon, shaman king, monster rancher, Pokemon and many others. Outside of school I didn’t do many activities, mostly go to my house and watched Tv.

As a whole I didn’t had the best childhood, but I think I learnt a lot from what I had to live and had fun at the end, so I don’t look back with sorrow, but with joy instead.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. good memory of a smell. I love olives

  3. Awww! these are such nice memories! Thank you for sharing this, it made me really happy (P.s: I love the smell of olives too!)

  4. ouch, poor girl and what a crazy birthday party, if it were me I wouldn't forget it either

  5. I loved when you mentioned your dog as your favorite memory, they’re simply the best. Also, good animes

  6. what good memories reminded me of my childhood <3


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