
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

My Childhood Days

For me a smell that bring backs memories is the smell of olives. I remember going to the market with my family on Iquique, and buying many types of olives. There were some that had a purple like glow which were my favorite. My earliest child memory was when I was around four years old. I was at my brother’s birthday party and I remember a girl fell down some stairs and I think she broke a tooth. My favorite childhood memory was when we got my dog Dante. I remember he was like a little black fur-ball and he was really cute. learnt to ride a bicycle when I was around seven years old. I remember falling on a rose bush while trying to learn how to ride. When I was younger I use to watch a lot of anime, sailor moon, shaman king, monster rancher, Pokemon and many others. Outside of school I didn’t do many activities, mostly go to my house and watched Tv. As a whole I didn’t had the best childhood, but I think I learnt a lot from what I had to live and had fun at the end, so I don’t look back

The best concert I've ever had

The best concert experience I’ve ever had, was watching the hives at 2013 Lollapalooza, here on Chile. The hives is a Swedish garage rock band, with a real heavy style, almost punk-like. They became popular on early 2000 but I didn’t started listening to them after I brought the tickets to Lollapalooza, from then on they became an instant favorite of mine. I remember clearly the atmosphere of the concert, the sun was setting and they started by playing one of the most pumped up songs of the latest disc, everybody started jumping and shouting, and I became really hyped up, I really like moving my body and screaming at the top of my lungs when I go to a concert. The whole concert continued with this mood, sadly, it only lasted for an hour, but it was a really great experience that I remember to this day. One of the thing I remember was that the main vocalist tried speaking in spanish during the whole concert, with a very thick accent, I couldn't understand a word he was saying, but i

A country I would like to know

A place I always wanted to visit is the Czech Republic. It’s been a dream for me to visit Europe since I was young, and I always wanted to visit the city of Prague in particular because of many things. First of all, it’s a place that’s really rich in culture, from museums, theatres and galleries; Second of all you can see many buildings styles from different times in history all around the city, from Romanesque, to Baroque and my favorite of all time, Gothic. And last, but not least, it’s a city filled with history, you can see and feel the history of the modern civilization that dates centuries back, all around the city.  If I went there I would mostly walk around and take lots of pictures, I would like to go with my boyfriend, so we could go around the city, talk about what we see, go to some gothic cathedrals, which are my favorite, and stop by to eat some pastries or visit as store, but mostly walk around.  All though, I wouldn’t like to live or study in a city like this, for me th